First National Real Estate Edward Higgens Parkinson

MONTHLY STORE LIVESTOCK SALE at Sale yards 23 Martindale St, Denman

Clearing Details
24th Jan - 11:30am

Denman Store Cattle & Sheep Sale

Denman Store Cattle & Sheep Sale
Is on again in This Friday 24th January 11.30am start
Entries now Invited for Cattle & Sheep of all types Contact Luke on 0408 680 536
(sale yard pic NB992103)

•# 5 Wnr Hfrs Angus & Friesian X
•#6 Mixed Wnrs
•#2 Angus x steers
•#3 speckle park x steers
•#3 Murray grey x steers
•#1 red heifer
•#2 Angus x heifers
•#2 speckle park x steers
•#1 speckle park x heifer
•#3 jersey x steers
•# Cow and Hfr Calf, 2nd calf cow been back with bull
•# AI Bred pure Speckle Park Bull 10 mths old 675 kg excellent Health, sire was champ at royal ag show 2022-23
•#2 Silky hens & rooster
•10 Mixed Lambs
•12 Mixed Sheep
Plenty of free yards further entries welcomed 0408 680 536

Thinking of selling Cattle Sheep or your Farm please give us a call on 0408 680 536
Please check out our face book site "Denman Livestock Sales" for further details
0265472307 or
mob 0408 680 536
M 0408680536
P 02 65472307
A 32 Bridge Street, Muswellbrook